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Born and raised on the Big Island of Hawaii where I lived most of my adolescent years till I hopped over to Oahu in 1996. I am definitely a people person that enjoys building long-term relationships, also known as traditional "ohana" style relationships.


This industry fits my attention to details, love for product knowledge, creative thinking, and love of helping others. My personable approach allows me to create a positively memorable experience as I advise current options that is conducive to the wearer's lifestyle and budget. I truly enjoy the collaborative process of understanding the couples wants and needs so I can explain the pro and cons that will positively "flow" with their life! I also specialize in recreating sentimental jewelry into something that will be worn regularly by the owner. It really is a gratifying process to be a part of!  I hope that my expertise in this field alleviates as much of the stress and pressures associated with fine jewelry. I founded this jewelry company with one goal in mind: providing a educated, quality jewelry buying experience. Who wouldn't want to be a part of creating beautiful jewelry pieces that people appreciate!! 

A  random tidbit about me, I absolutely love traveling! I traveled a bunch as a child and love the personal growth with every experience. My motto in life is to find balance with continuous personal growth. Intentional behavior = intrinsic goals = quality life!


At this time, my services are only available to acquaintances and their referrals.

Besides starting my own jewelry business in 2014, I also provide home and business organization services ( I really am grateful that all of this allows me to work and develop great relationships with many talented business professionals, knowledgeable suppliers, and artistically gifted craftsman.


I am passionate about philanthropic efforts and have volunteered with organizations such as Malama Maunalua, 808 Cleanup, Surfrider Oahu, Hawaii Blood Bank, Hawaii Jewelers Association, Jewelers For Children, Salvation Army, Make-A-Wish Hawaii, Hawaii Food Bank, Big Brothers and Big Sisters Foundation, and Waikiki Health. And I am thrilled that my son has become just as involved!













I am so happy to share this current project my son and I are involved in. We have these bracelet available for $8 that I will match with $8 of my own to donate to a non-profit that provides educational services. Our current love is to contribute more to Salvation Army as they try to provide as much as possible for everyone during the holiday season. We also are Bell Ringers so look for us at Kahala or Kaimuki Times Supermarket!


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3 MAW-Gabby
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10 Crazy, sexy, m (12)
10 CSH40
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3 Make-a-wish
3 Diamondhead Hui10
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